Staggered Spreads

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Topic: Staggered Spreads
Presenter: Stephen Bigalow
Day/Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Time: 7 PM Central (8 PM Eastern)

The ultimate investment strategies involve trades that have no risk but huge upside potential. This is what can be produced with candlestick analysis and option spreads.

The results of candlestick signals and patterns are highly predictable. That information extrapolated into chart pattern breakouts produces an opportunity to establish an option spread position that results in a riskless transaction. The alignment of high probability factors allows an investor to control a large amount of stock without any money at risk.

This is not a difficult strategy! This is merely putting the information provided by candlestick analysis into a logical series of events that makes for a riskless transaction. Option traders definitely need to learn and understand this technique. It creates the opportunity to leverage a small trading account into controlling large stock positions.

Attend this information-packed online workshop and discover…

  • Why staggered spreads are the ultimate no-risk transactions for options
  • How to determine where and when high-profit, breakout moves are likely to occur
  • How to make big money with little to no risk involved in the trade
  • How to recognize when all the other candlestick analysis elements are in place before executing the trade
  • And so much more!

Does all this sound good? If so, I would recommend registering for this webinar right now.

Hope to see you there!

WARNING! LIMITED WEBINAR SEATS ARE AVAILABLE: Due to the nature of this event, I imagine our online training room will be packed. So reserve your “virtual seat” now to avoid missing out!