Saturday Spotlight:
Candlestick RARE trading

Candlestick RARE trading

(Research Analysis Reverse Engineering)

The Candlestick Forum is providing a service that can make huge profits for short-term traders as well as long-term investors.


Learn how to utilize a powerful trade identification process, identifying not only strong sectors but the strongest stocks in those sectors. Join us Saturday, January 30, to learn how:


RARE trading program greatly enhances profitability.


This training will illustrate how to immediately identify which sectors will be influenced positively or negatively by the new administration’s policies. But more importantly, it will dramatically enhance profitability in a sector that has big profit potential for the next few years.


The electric vehicle industry! The Candlestick Forum is now providing a service that pinpoints which companies in this sector have the potential to dominate this sector.


An assumption, the electric vehicle industry is not only here to stay but likely has a huge market potential over the next few years.


Wouldn’t you like to be constantly made aware of which companies have the best technological advantage in this rapidly expanding sector?


But there is the major problem of investing in the electric vehicle sector. Which company’s technology is going to their growth prospects ahead of competitors?


There are currently over 80 companies in the process of producing alternative energy automobiles and trucks. Which companies might have developed new technology to gain market advantage?


Wouldn't you like to be able to immediately identify which companies are creating a technological advantage?


This makes simple candlestick scanning techniques valuable for the short-term trader as well as a long-term investor. The electric vehicle industry is growing rapidly. Why? Two important elements! 


  1. Consumer acceptance! The general public favors electric vehicles that do not create pollution. This is the most powerful aspect for a huge market expansion over the next few years.
  2. Technology! The technology for advances in the power generation/batteries of electric vehicles are advancing exponentially.


Technology is leapfrogging. Lithium batteries provided approximately 125 mile range before recharging just two years ago. Currently batteries have been improved to average 350 miles before recharging. TSLA is projecting their automobiles to be able to range to 625 miles in the very near future. NIO has announced they are close to 625 miles per charge now.


How can you, as an investor, know which companies are moving ahead with new technology while other companies are being left behind? The Candlestick Forum provides a very simple identification of which companies will produce the best profits.


You do not have to constantly research. Candlestick charts provide that information for you instantly. Discover the immense amount of information that are provided in the candlestick charts, revealing the strongest profit potential companies, both on a short-term basis as well as a long-term hold.


Your correct trade ratio will improve dramatically when quickly identifying companies that have moved ahead with technology advances.

Simple candlestick chart identification will put you into profitable trades with an extremely high degree of accuracy.

Take advantage of this information. You will not be disappointed! You will get much more information than you expect.

Maximize your time by simply analyzing what everybody else's research is providing.


This is not a complicated process. One of the keys to be a successful investor is knowing what everybody’s research is demonstrating to be the strong future potential. Keep it simple. Join us Saturday, January 30 for a 90-minute powerful training session.

Pricing for the "Candlestick RARE trading" Training Event:


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Your Course Instructor:

Stephen W. Bigalow

Stephen W. Bigalow possesses over 40 years of investment experience beginning in 1976, including eight years as a stockbroker with major Wall Street firms. He holds his Business & Economics Degree from Cornell University and is the author of three top investing books;Profitable Candlestick Trading, published by John Wiley & Sons in January 2002 and the second edition in 2011. High Profit Candlestick Patterns was released in December 2005. His latest book was released at the end of 2010, entitled Candlestick Profits: Eliminating Emotions with Candlestick Signals.

Steve is an active member of AAPTA, the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts and affiliate of the "Market Technicians Association.

Trading in the Stock Market, Trading Options, Trading Futures, and Options on Futures, involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Past Performance is not indicative of future results.,,, and Candlestick Forum LLC do not recommend or endorse any specific trading system or method. We recommend that you research all trading systems, methods and market strategies thoroughly. Full Disclaimer here
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