Fight the Fear!
How to Combat Emotional Trading
That Will SABOTAGE Your Profits!
Now You Can Eliminate… Once And For All… Every One Of Your Portfolio-Killing Emotions That Can Wreak Havoc On Your Trading In Our Current “Uncharted” Market Territory!
Keep Reading To Discover Six Secrets That… When Mastered… Will Have You Trading Confidently, No Matter What Happens In The Market…
Fight the Fear!
How to Combat Emotional Trading
That Will SABOTAGE Your Profits!
What is the biggest trading flaw for most investors? Their emotions! Reacting to fear and greed. Fortunately, candlestick analysis is a graphic study and results of investor emotions. Once you master candlestick analysis, you will control your own emotions. Join us Tuesday night for a demonstration on how candlestick analysis creates your own discipline, eliminating emotions.
With my new “Fight the Fear!” program, you will eliminate… once and for all… portfolio-killing emotions that can cause any profits you make in this new environment to melt away like a popsicle on a Houston sidewalk in August.
With my “Fight the Fear!” LIVE webinar program, I will reveal 6 secrets that… when mastered… will have you trading confidently, no matter what happens in the market.
Specifically, you’ll discover…
Course Curriculum
June 1st Topics:
Part 1: High-level Money Management Techniques to Eliminate Emotional Trading
- Establishing a set trade parameter
- Creating your trading universe
- Allocating the appropriate long/short positioning in the portfolio
- Creating the correct stock trade in option trade size
Part 2: How to Totally Eliminate the Fear of Entering a Trade
- Overcoming the "what if's"
- Knowing the trade plan/target
- Learning when to enter and exit the trade
Part 3: How to Close Out a Bad Trade
- Know what the probabilities are based upon the indicators
- Learn where to set your stops
- Know how to take losses with the correct mental attitude
Part 4: How to Gain Mental Control of your Trading by Using Basic Candlestick Information
- Use your journal to identify your trading style
- Learn how to utilize the signals and patterns that you best trade
- Have your trading plan established when executing the trade
Part 5: Professional-level Secrets of Taking Profits Using Candlestick Analysis
- Eliminate taking profits too soon
- Eliminate taking profits too late
- Learn to identify diminishing probabilities, cultivate your portfolio
Part 6: How to Eliminate General Market Fear from your Trading… Forever!
- Proactive scan analysis that put you in charge
- Establish both long and short trading techniques
My new “Fight the Fear!” program is a true “soup to nuts” course on how to combat those negative emotions that have caused the end of many a trader’s successful career.
I don’t want that to happen to you.
And if you act fast…
Pricing for the "Fight the Fear" Training Program:
Non-Members of Candlestick Forum: $394
Current Members of Candlestick Forum: Only $194!
Yes! I want the "Fight the Fear" Training Program!
Your Course Instructors:
Stephen W. Bigalow
Stephen W. Bigalow possesses over 40 years of investment experience beginning in 1976, including eight years as a stockbroker with major Wall Street firms. He holds his Business & Economics Degree from Cornell University and is the author of three top investing books;Profitable Candlestick Trading, published by John Wiley & Sons in January 2002 and the second edition in 2011. High Profit Candlestick Patterns was released in December 2005. His latest book was released at the end of 2010, entitled Candlestick Profits: Eliminating Emotions with Candlestick Signals.
Steve is an active member of AAPTA, the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts and affiliate of the "Market Technicians Association.
Yes! I want the "Fight the Fear" Training Program!